Overview Agenda
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Exclusive roundtable
Unlocking the potential of sustainable supply chains
30 August 2023 | 03:30 PM - 05:30 PM
The focus on sustainability and ESG (environmental, social and governance) has become a core strategy for corporates today. Facing pressure from regulators, shareholders and customers, many corporates have self-evaluated their impact on the wider community, particularly when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions.

While corporates generally have control over their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, there is a critical need to address Scope 3 emissions reporting requirements. This involves indirect emissions that occur in the value chain of an organization. According to the World Economic Forum, supply chain emissions can be 5-10 times higher than direct emissions from companies.

In the mix of all of this are CFOs and treasurers who are looking to play a proactive role in not only improving the financial health of their respective companies but also their ESG initiatives. The utilization of supply chain finance in the past has offered CFOs and treasurers an opportunity to improve their working capital and strengthen supplier loyalty.

Now the service is being adjusted with a sustainability theme with financial incentives being put in place to encourage suppliers to adopt sustainable practices. While an exciting development, there are a number of challenges facing CFOs and treasurers looking to implement a sustainable supply chain finance programme including aligning with procurement and setting the right ESG framework to follow.

The Asset, in association with DBS, is pleased to be hosting an exclusive roundtable “Unlocking the potential of sustainable supply chains”. The panel of experts will share their experiences and challenges in crafting a sustainable and resilient supply chain.
30 August 2023
03:30 PM
04:00 PM
Welcome remarks
04:05 PM
Opening speech
Sherman Hung
Sherman Hung
managing director and head, large corporate, institutional banking group
DBS Hong Kong
04:10 PM
Building sustainable supply chains with DBS
Sandy Tan
Sandy Tan
head of ecosystems, institutional banking group
DBS Hong Kong
04:50 PM
05:00 PM
Closing speech
Jennifer Lee
Jennifer Lee
managing director, head of large corporate, institutional banking group
DBS Hong Kong
05:15 PM
Cocktails & networking
Post Event Highlights
The Asset Podcast
Unlocking the potential of sustainable supply chains
Exclusive roundtable
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Event Photos
Sherman Hung, managing director, head of large corporate, institutional banking group at DBS Hong Kong making his opening remarks
Sherman Hung, managing director, head of large corporate, institutional banking group at DBS Hong Kong making his opening remarks
Sandy Tan, head of ecosystems, institutional banking group at DBS Hong Kong making her presentation on Building sustainable supply chains with DBS
Sandy Tan, head of ecosystems, institutional banking group at DBS Hong Kong making her presentation on Building sustainable supply chains with DBS
Networking at the event
Networking at the event
Exclusive discussion on sustainable supply chains
Exclusive discussion on sustainable supply chains
Jennifer Lee managing director, head of large corporate, institutional banking group at DBS Hong Kong making her closing speech
Jennifer Lee managing director, head of large corporate, institutional banking group at DBS Hong Kong making her closing speech