Overview Agenda
Post Event Highlights
In-person roundtable
Tech in ESG
10 November 2023

With environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing already a mainstream, investors across the globe face an increasingly complex landscape. Data remains a major hurdle to the greater adoption and integration of ESG. The need for reliable, timely, cost-effective and forward-looking ESG data comes to the fore with the rise of ESG investing and the emergence of new ESG topics such as decarbonization and impact investing. Conflicting ESG ratings and indices as well as a lack of standards in terms of taxonomy also add to the great data challenge. Increased regulatory scrutiny, meanwhile, requires greater transparency and accuracy in reporting and disclosures.

Amidst this landscape, technology emerges as an important enabler to support investment strategies and help achieve stakeholders’ ESG commitments. Investors are now exploring new ways to deploy technology to build a robust sustainable investing framework as ESG metrics becoming integral to the asset allocation process. The fanfare surrounding the launch of generative artificial intelligence (AI) recently, for example, is creating a buzz within the investment community.

Still, when it comes to ESG, technology can only go so far. At the end of the investment process, the value is created by a fully-fledged ESG process that also incorporates stewardship and engagement. In the developing region of the Asia-Pacific, and especially as it relates to achieving a just transition, working with companies and helping them along the sustainability pathway is vital. Together with the appropriate use of leading-edge technology, the combination will be critical in driving the best solutions to enhance a firm’s competitive advantage and could potentially be a game-changer. 

The Asset is pleased to be hosting a discussion forum on Tech in ESG in association with BNP Paribas. The forum will look at the opportunities and challenges in ESG investing and how emerging technology can support investment managers in this space.


10 November 2023
03:30 PM
Registration and coffee
04:00 PM
Welcome remarks
Philippe Tassin
Philippe Tassin
head of asset managers & owners client lines, Asia-Pacific
BNP Paribas Securities Services
04:10 PM
Exclusive discussion
  • How can investment managers create differentiated value propositions in this age of sustainability and the pathway to net zero?
  • As ESG goes mainstream in investment management, how has it changed how assets are valued and reset the risk-return equation?
  • How are investment managers formulating a data strategy to tackle data fragmentation?
  • How can AI help improve data collection, analysis and disclosures?
  • How are investment managers deploying technology to drive their ESG integration agenda?
  • Can AI strengthen analytical capabilities to identify companies with strong ESG performance and identify risks?
  • Are investment managers maximizing the return on technology when linking capabilities such as AI to a firm’s investment objectives?
  • How are service providers deploying emerging technology to meet clients’ needs?
  • How are these developments shaping investment priorities in the coming years?
Mihwa Park
Mihwa Park
head of ESG analytics, Asia Pacific, securities services
BNP Paribas
Serena Tan
Serena Tan
senior analyst, responsible investments
Nordea Asset Management
Rinchen Choegyal
Rinchen Choegyal
senior sustainable investment research analyst
Benjamin Soh
Benjamin Soh
managing director
Darryl Yu (moderator)
Darryl Yu (moderator)
managing editor
The Asset
05:20 PM
Networking and cocktail
Post Event Highlights
The Asset Podcast
Tech in ESG
In-person roundtable
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