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Developing strategies supporting sustainable investing
03 March 2022 | 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM | HKT

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) could not have come at a more critical time. As experts warn of irreversible climate change, COP26 has provided an impetus for governments, companies and financial institutions to provide more concrete plans to reach net-zero by 2050. Finance is an important part of this story and supporting the transition to a sustainable economy clearly is uncovering compelling investment opportunities.

Investors play an indispensable role in decarbonizing the economy both in terms of integrating sustainability factors into their portfolios and encouraging companies to reduce carbon emissions. Investment vehicles that focus on sustainability as a theme such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index funds are gaining attention.

The need for reliable ESG benchmarks increases as investors further embrace sustainable investing. And, as investors move to capture opportunities in this space, indexes can play an important role by vetting companies carbon emissions, screening for ESG compliance or other key disclosure requirements that meet internationally recognized standards before listing on exchanges, easing investor workload and facilitating sustainable investing.

The Asset Events+, in association with Hang Seng Indexes Company, is pleased to host this exclusive webinar to discuss the future of sustainable investing to examine the opportunities that are emerging for both a variety of investment styles.

03 March 2022
04:20 PM HKT
Access to webinar opens
04:30 PM HKT
Exclusive discussion
  • What do the commitments Asia made at COP26 mean for investors?
  • What are the different investment styles on sustainable investing?
  • How are ETFs being used or as part of an overall asset allocation strategy?
  • What are the issues that need attention to accelerate sustainable investing?
  • What role will regulation play in ushering the next phase of sustainability in Asia?
  • How could indexes such as HSI ESG Enhanced Index drive capital allocation towards sustainability investment?
Taie Wang
Taie Wang
chief business development officer
Hang Seng Indexes Company
Victor Cheung
Victor Cheung
director, ETF investment strategist
Mirae Asset Global Investments
Janet Li
Janet Li
partner and wealth business leader, Asia
Laura Wang
Laura Wang
chief China equity strategist
Morgan Stanley
Bayani Cruz
Bayani Cruz
executive editor
The Asset
05:20 PM HKT
05:30 PM HKT
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The Asset Podcast
Developing strategies supporting sustainable investing
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